A. Lever Studio
September 5, 2019

“The people, the diversity, the love, everyone [in the District] is always trying to give out a helping and hand bring each other up.”

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Tell me a little bit about yourself and your company.

My name is Antoine Lever, owner of A. Lever Studios, and I am a photographer. My artist career started in college, at Christian Brothers University, in Memphis, TN. I took some art classes, and through those classes I actually picked up my first camera and pretty much lead me down a long journey to full time photographer, and to open my brand-new studio right here in the Medical District.

What attracted you to the Medical District?

For the past two years I’ve have been covering various MMDC events, and through that I have learned quite a bit about the community and what stands out most about the Medical District is the people.  The people, the diversity, the love, everyone is always trying to give out a helping and hand bring each other up.  Not only that, they are always doing new things in the community.  Just down the street they just opened up the Treedom park. That was amazing to have the opportunity to capture through photograph. There was a parade and the people in the community started to get involved, and came out their businesses and homes and started to dance in the street with us as we passing by; and even jump in line with us.  Its stuff like that, that stands out the most to me. It’s the culture of the District that is amazing.

How has your business been since opening? Is your studio open to the public? Do you host events/showcases there? What can people expect when they walk in?

Business has been great since opening up to the public.  I’ve hosted a few events ever since I opened, including my grand opening show case, photography workshop, birthday celebration, sip & shoot fundraiser and more!  When people walk in my studio, they step into a beautiful creative space with lots of great energy!


Your studio location in the District allows you to easily connect between your Midtown and Downtown clients.  Can you speak on this vital connection and how your location in the District has made an impact on the work that you do, the people you meet, and the impact you make through your work?

My studio location has allowed me to become a lot more active in the district where I’ve donated my skills to a few events.  When I’m able to participate in events throughout the district, it allowed me to network with those who seek my skills, which helps spread my business.  So in a sense, being in this district gravitates me to being in a large circle of back scratching. Family! Haha

In your recent High Ground interview, you referenced the creative culture pulsing through the district? Can you speak more on aspects of the creative culture that you’ve witnessed in the District?

Absolutely!  Today, entrepreneurship is rising like crazy because young people like myself have tons of skills that are being held back for various reasons such as the fear of judgement and there aren’t any outlets to use these creative gifts.  But ever since I've been in the District, I’ve noticed that the District is opening creative spaces, creating job opportunities that require creative skills and more.  Actions like that allow creatives to become more confident in their creative gifts, allowing them to become entrepreneurs and owning their own!  I have so many creative friends that became entrepreneurs just this year and it’s a beautiful thing.

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What’s it like having your work featured abroad on billboards in Paris? What advice do you have for other young people interested in establishing photography careers and/or steps they can take to reach those types of heights?

Having my work abroad on billboards in Paris is a pretty cool experience.  I know that I still have more heights to reach before I can put my name with some of the top photographers today, so it was more of a reminder that I’m on the right path.  My advice to all aspiring photographers would be so keep shooting, learning and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.  

Can you speak more on your photo booth services? Any pics of it? What type of props/backdrops are offered? How can people book it?

My photo booth literally bring the party to the “party!” We have props and backdrops to match any occasion, whether it’s a birthday party, retirement party, or wedding!  Booking is easy. You can easily book directly from the site and just make an inquiry and we’ll follow up to set you up for you event!  Like I said, easy!

A. Lever Studio is located at 527 North Main St. You can like and follow them on Facebook and Instagram and contact them at (731) 474-1529.

Tagged: A.Lever Studio, Leadership Element

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