2023 MMDC Impact Highlights
December 1, 2023

In 2023, MMDC provided vital support to our diverse array of communities and stakeholders through our grants, resources, and new and expanded programs, while making numerous physical improvements to the District to enhance vibrancy and connectivity.

Since 2016, the Memphis Medical District Collaborative (MMDC) has worked alongside our partners to achieve a more vibrant, prosperous, and equitable place for all. In 2023, MMDC provided vital support to our diverse array of communities and stakeholders through our grants, resources, and new and expanded programs, while making numerous physical improvements to the District to enhance vibrancy and connectivity.

Whether you are an employee, student, small business owner, supporter, or community member, the Medical District means something unique to each of us and we all contribute to the District's success in our own way.

If you believe in the future of the District, we ask that you consider giving a tax-deductible gift today. No gift is too small!

2023 was a banner year for MMDC. We’ve seen major growth as an organization and in the District. This growth wouldn’t be possible without the commitment of our anchor institutions, philanthropic partners, community partners, and most importantly, the dedicated and passionate MMDC staff.

Rory Thomas, MMDC President

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