Medical District Streetscape Lookbook
May 1, 2021

In 2020-21, MMDC partnered with Toole Design, a nationally recognized design firm with expertise in landscape architecture, planning, and urban design, and Creative Punch, a local full-service design & branding studio, to develop new concepts to guide our future streetscape investments in the Medical District.

In 2020-21, MMDC partnered with Toole Design, a nationally recognized design firm with expertise in landscape architecture, planning, and urban design, and Creative Punch, a local full-service design & branding studio, to develop new concepts to guide our future streetscape investments in the Medical District.  This process included a series of stakeholder meetings made up of representatives from MMDC's anchor institutions, district neighborhoods, city engineering, and community partners. The resulting Streetscape Lookbook delivers a collection of innovative design concepts that prioritize safety, multi-modal accessibility and connectivity.  The Lookbook challenges us to rethink our approach to street design, providing illustrative, site-specific recommendations for a public realm centered on people. The projects outlined in this Lookbook are concepts which will determine our planning for the coming years.


  • Safety
  • Mobility
  • Connectivity
  • Identity
  • Sense of Place

MMDC’s public realm projects to date, guided by our Streetscape Playbook (2016), provide a foundation from which we intend to further develop a better connected network of people-oriented streets in the Medical District. From this Playbook, MMDC completed a three-phase placemaking and streetscape enhancement project in partnership with the City of Memphis including Marshall & Monroe; Manassas Street; and MLK Avenue.


MMDC will collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize the Lookbook concepts and develop a multi-year implementation schedule, identifying opportunities to align with planned projects like street resurfacing, intersection upgrades, real estate developments and campus improvement plans.  

We encourage you to spend some time reviewing the Streetscape Lookbook and share your feedback with us via email at  The Lookbook is our guide to developing multi-modal streets that connect people to places safely.  We look forward to working with the community to shape these concepts into reality in the future.

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