There's More to Be Proud Of
March 1, 2017

A component of MMDC’s Marshall/Monroe streetscape improvement project. The Downtown Memphis Commission (DMC) provided project funding to support this work and commissioned an extraordinary artwork “There is More to be Proud Of,” by local artist Cat Peña. This shimmering, soothing, shade-casting public art installation was unveiled to the public at a party on the plaza in March 2017 and refreshed in December 2019.

There is More to be Proud Of, 2017-2020
Installation by Cat Pena
Downtown Memphis Commission

A component of MMDC’s Marshall/Monroe streetscape improvement project. The Downtown Memphis Commission (DMC) provided project funding to support this work and commissioned an extraordinary artwork “There is More to be Proud Of,” by local artist Cat Peña. This shimmering, soothing, shade-casting public art installation was unveiled to the public at a party on the plaza in March 2017 and refreshed in December 2019.

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